The true reconciliation: Comparing Tax day and Judgment Day

Yesterday was the day where everyone has to report to the United States government there income and assess the appropriate level of responsibility.  It is a day of accounting and ensuring appropriate reconciliation of the data. Up until the day taxes are do people work on adjusting the ledgers and seeing how they can reduce their share of responsibility and get most for self.  Every possible angle at reducing the cost to self is examined. Stress levels increase; conflicts arise, all over sorting through what the financial reconciliation of data comes up to.  There is relief and joy when the numbers are put together in such away that money is returned. Agony, despair, and desperation can occur when the numbers line up to needing to pay money in. 

Now there is a more important Day of Judgment and reconciliation of facts coming; the day when God will judge all of mankind. Now many think of God’s judgment to be like Tax day. Does the good behavior, selfless acts overcome the selfish, hurtful things. Is there more good than bad?  Was enough done to just make it by, am I just good enough?  Well guess, what?  God has a short form. God has a means of cutting through and sorting through everything that was done and the motives behind it.  The means of cutting through that is known as redemption and forgiveness.  God created a means by which there is no need to reconcile a balance of good and bad.  God sent Jesus to reconcile for all and pay the debt. It is as if someone with immeasurable resources agreed to pay for your tax burden if you chose to accept the offering and follow his directions.  Most people though choose to run their own life, sort out the reconciliation for themselves.  Most figure they got the balance tilting pretty well on the postive side.  Most of us really do not grasp the level of depth of own self-centeredness.

There is one true way in the judgement to come to have favorable results, move beyond self and take the gift of having it all accounted for.  Yes, it means loss of  just doing things your own way, but doing things your own way while driving down a path that only leads to a sudden extreme destructive drop-off.   In order to gain you need to give up self.  It is that simple.

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