An possible answer to swine and other Influenza’s? Sambucol

     Well, just recently was directed to this article: The article hi-lights the discovery of Israeli scientist Dr. Madeleine Mumcuoglu. Sambucol is an herbal extract from elderberries that contains AntiVirin, isolated from the black elderberry, and three flavonoids according to this article: (Study shows Israeli elderberry extract effective against avian flu). A quick perusal of shows a range of pricing with a top price of about $30.00 for 7.8 ounce bottle.

    Upon reading about Sambucol, it strikes me the amazing goodness of God, who has placed things with in nature that can combat things like viral infections.  Here is a product, in nature that really does fight viral infections. It is also interesting that in a day and age where the potential for disease and illness and the prospects increase for a global pandemic, a simple answer is found by an Israelite scientist.  God is good and He is faithful.  Learning of this just draws me to praise God.