Diggory Press Saga Update: Hearing Results and commentary

There has been a request for an update regarding the Diggory Press Saga.  The remaining court cases had a hearing at Torquay & Newton Abbott County Court on November 9th.   Mick Rooney’s blog reported that of the three remaining litigants the judge decided in favor of two of the plaintiffs and dismissed any counter claims. The other case was dismissed on technicality issues.  It is the end of apparently three years worth of back and forth legal proceedings, but hardly an end to the vicious back and forth that has occurred in varied places on the internet. It is sad that in the process perhaps some people did not receive fair recompense for their difficulties with Diggory Press. 

For me the real issue came down to the actions that transpired on the internet.  There was an ongoing vicious cycle of attacking and defending going on and from all parties with full belief that their actions were justified and warranted.  When we engage in attack and defend stances ultimately it leads to entrenched positions and reasonable solutions ultimately dismissed.  It is also noteworthy that sides were taken often not in relation to the facts of the case but in terms of the personalities.  People sided against Mrs. Franklin based on issues with the content on her blog. This in turn brought out people defending Mrs. Franklin because of appreciation for the deception that is exposed on her blog.

There are a few really tragic results from this whole affair.  The first is that the behavior of Dr. Manning is reinforced. Dr. Manning gives his account of the hearing at: http://checkpoint.ie/TorquayReport.pdf. It is filled with malicious comments that continue to tear down Mrs. Franklin.  Dr. Manning has found character assassination to be effective and will certainly not refrain from doing the same thing to anyone else that may cross him.  Granted the varied defensive responses from Mrs. Franklin also helped Dr. Manning’s cause and reinforced his behavior.  It is also very clear that Mrs. Franklin engaged in poor customer service and poor business practices.  She engaged in behavior that was clearly wrong and clearly faced consequences of those actions.

Another tragic result of this saga is Mrs. Franklin has brought a level of distrust by her actions.  Mrs. Franklin has a blog www.endtimespropheticwords.wordpress.com on which she exposes varied deceptions and offers her perception. She also at times offers what she reports to be prophetic visions. Her website often has valued information, more often then not, republished and brought attention to because her blog has attracted a good sized audience. Yet, these actions and the defensive behaviors have brought along with it distrust. The distrust starts with her refusing to acknowledge publicly that Rosalind Franklin of Diggory Press and Miriam Franklin of the blog is the same person.  Then you add on the use of some aliases and potential sock puppets in defense against Dr. Manning’s character assassination and the level of trust drops.  It reaches a point where it is hard to believe a person, no matter how well intentioned.

The last tragic result of this saga is through all the back and forth and the failings of the British justice system, there are people who did not receive their just recompense. This is however the way of the world.  Some folks receive justice others do not. 

Now for the audience of this saga and in particular those that follow Jesus there are some important lessons to be learned.   The first is that we always need to respond in love, even more so when under attack, either rightly or not.  The Bible directs us to bless those that curse you and to love your enemies.  By so doing, it is a moving beyond your own self interest and shining the light of God’s love.  When we engage in attack and defend, we are engaging our own self-interest.  When positions become entrenched then self-interest has reach a point of a matter of pride. Now even if one purports their interest to be for the good of others, when it reaches the levels things progressed to here, it really just becomes all about pride. There is a reason Jesus directs us in Matthew 5:25 to settle matters with adversaries before going to court.  In part doing so takes the focus off of self. And if the matter is something for which we are in the wrong, consequences will occur. And sometimes consequences occur, even if you really did not do anything wrong.  The directive is really to move beyond engaging in defensive responding and matters of pride.

Another lesson here for all, is that we all need to be cautious.  Just because someone claims to be conducting business as an ethical Christian does not make it so.  People do at times present one manner in public and another matter privately.  Examine everything to see if what is claimed is true. We are to test all things. 

Now as a believer it is always important that we conduct ourselves in manners above reproach and seek to abide by high ethical standards. If any believer does not, it can be turned against you.  There are powers and forces and people that seek to harm and bring the Gospel and followers of the Gospel and those that stand for God’s truth into disrepute. The Bible is filled with instances of people of God facing consequences for doing no wrong, or simply following God’s directives.  Any opening others can be given will be used to bring harm. 

So in conclusion, the legal proceedings in the Diggory Press saga have ended.  Mrs. Franklin found to be in the wrong in her business practice. A matter that should have been addressed simply and civilly became a spectacle played out on the internet.  Pray for all involved and take lessons from this saga and apply them to your own life and practice.  Do not follow in the path of Dr. Manning or Mrs. Franklin but seek to conduct yourself differently on all occasions. And most important of all, if you have done wrong and harmed others, take responsibility and seek to reconcile.  For in working toward reconciliation and pursuing reconciliation, you reflect Jesus.  Anything else and it is but the darkness of self.